The Department of Education (DepEd) announced that classes in all public schools have been moved from June 14 to June 15 (Tuesday) to give way to the celebration of the 112th Independence Day. Education Secretary Mona Valisno said the holiday for Independence Day has been moved from June 12 to 14 by Malacañang in accordance with Republic Act No. 9492. Under the law, holidays, except those religious in nature, are moved to the nearest Monday. Valisno said that the June 15 opening is mandatory for all public schools nationwide, but not necessarily for private schools. "They (private schools) may have a different school opening so long as they comply with the minimum number of class days for the entire school year and they notify the local DepEd Division Office of the date of their class opening," she explained. Still, according to her, private schools may deviate from the June 15 opening, provided that they do not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June or later than the last day of August. ...........
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sickness Brought About By Too Much Heat
Also, I know the prevailing chicken pox outbreak would stop as it adds problems in the community. It may not also be conducive to school opening as cases of this disease will multiply for sure. So I was really hoping for a change of weather as this current hot season posed much danger in people not only on skin-related diseases but also on heart-related sickness.
Friday, May 28, 2010
:Looking at the Sky on Friday #78 - Over at Marabella Resort
Quick Cash for Your Immediate Needs
Anyway it’s really for fast, easy and quick approval loan so it’s a great help for those who didn’t have the time to wait long for their loans to be approved. And if you’re just borrowing a small amount you will not have to suffer from long processed loans. You also wouldn’t have to think about big interest on this. This is actually a less stressful option for your immediate need for cash.
Looking for Healthy Supplements
Ruth’s Summer Refresher Course
Regaining Your Good Credit Name
There are installment payments available in one year like what I did in my laptop or you can pay it in full. This way you will not be charged even a single interest. But the moment that you take your purchase as credit and pay only the minimum amount due every billing period you can find yourself in big card debt you will find yourself in big trouble. If you’re in this hard situation there are options which you can do to regain your good credit standing and that’s applying for credit card debt settlement which offers a less stressful option. They will help you settle your bills and debt for less than your actual debts and give you a monthly due that’s affordable to your budget. This is quite a great relief to your credit card debt burden and soon you’ll be debt-free again.
Play Golf and Design Houses
Help in Paying for Your Kids’ School Fees
For others who have no savings or not prepared for the big school expenses you can apply for payday advance which can help in paying for your kids’ tuition fees. It’s easy and quick so you’ll have no worries that you’ll not make it to the enrollment deadline. It’s more convenient than having your loan on other means such as high-interest loan companies or banks. This way you can be assured that your kids will be ready for this coming school year. Now you can spend some of your money on buying other school necessities. I'm sure all our kids are excited now!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Need A Lot More Help
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Experiencing the Hot Temperature Also
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Three Types of Mens Shorts
The following are some basic styles to consider while shopping for mens shorts:
Pleated Shorts
Pleated shorts are always in fashion on the golf course, however, try not to venture out and wear them to more formal occasions like dinner parties and social events. These shorts are always comfortable, but don't find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time while wearing them. With the casual style and cut of these shorts, you should probably wear them at less casual events.
Gym Shorts
The only time gym shorts look good on men is in the gym or at an athletic event. Although many men can't resist wearing them (due to the fact that they're so comfortable), don't make the mistake of wearing gym shorts in public. It seems that men will sacrifice nearly everything and cope with disapproving glances for the sake of wearing a comfortable pair of shorts.
Jorts are cutoffs or jean shorts. Unless you're a five-year-old boy (or want to wear them around the house where no one can see you), you probably shouldn't wear them at all. Jorts can certainly be considered a fashion faux paus, and fortunately, most people choose not to wear them. Read more...
The Five Factor Values Test
You are Loyal, Generous, Humble and Tolerant
Loyalty:You value loyalty a fair amount.
You're loyal to your friends... to a point.
But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties.
Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.
You don't really value honesty.
You do value getting your way, no matter what.
And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem.
A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!)
You value generosity a fair amount.
You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take.
Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need.
But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!
You value humility a fair amount.
You tend to be an easy going, humble person.
But occasionally your ego takes over.
You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best.
You value tolerance a fair amount.
You are open to new cultures, beliefs, and ideas.
You have very few prejudices that you're aware of.
And while you are tolerant, you do stand true to what you believe. Read more...
Common Poker Mistakes: Playing Every Hand
Playing every hand will quickly drain your money, even when it doesn't seem like it. Your stack may only go down a little bit at a time, but if it goes down frequently enough, you will quickly run out of money. That money is meant for better things, like betting when you have a strong hand. There's no reason to waste it on two sevens off-suit.
Playing every hand is statistically a horrible decision. The hands that are really worth playing only come around every so often. Even though it's exciting to play frequently, and even though you may get lucky once every few hands, it's statistically better to reserve your chips for your truly solid cards. Bring an iPod to the table with you if necessary, but don't let boredom force you onto the table when it's disadvantageous.
When starting out at limit tables, which is where you should generally start, it's important to play no more than one out of every three hands. Even this is more frequent than you really should play, but it's a good starting point and will help you narrow down your selection of cards. Obviously, though, if you get pocket aces back to back, you should play them both. Read more...
Monday, May 24, 2010
MYM/RT: Winnie the Pooh at Tom's World
These are some of the cute stuff toys you can bring home when you got lucky at UFO Catcher in Tom's World. I just love the combination of yellow and red here, very noticeable for kids! My eldest kid Ruth who is a big girl now is so fond of this game. Most of the times she's not lucky enough but she's had her times when she caught a pretty lavender stuff toys which she love dearly. It was an achievement for her to be able to catch her desired stuff toys!
Know what? It's not for kids only as I've known some male office mates of DH frequent this kind of game in Quantum and they became expert. They're able to catch nice stuff toys every time they insert their tokens lol!
For mellow yellow monday and red tuesday pics pls click on the badge at the top!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Good Profit Investment After Employment
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Opening of Classes Moved to June 15
Here's an excerpt from the newspaper:
Ocular Inspection for Mom's Bday Celebration
Friday, May 21, 2010
Search Online for Prescription Meds
Above Ground Swimming Pool: Precautions
Safety is not impossible. With these simple suggestions, you can have the excitement of an above ground swimming pool and none of the concerns. Read more...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My Life's Challenge
Your Life's Challenge is Being Fussy
You are a responsible, detail oriented person who everyone can count on. You never let others down.
You are a perfectionist, and you hold yourself to high standards. You enjoy being a success.
However, you tend to hold others to high standards as well, and they almost always fail to live up to them.
Lighten up a little, and cut people some slack. You may want to cut yourself a little slack too while you're at it.
Friday, May 14, 2010
:Looking at the Sky on Friday #76: Robinsons' Clubhouse
Finding the Right Man to be Engaged with
end. I was really decided that whoever I chose to be my boyfriend will also be my husband. God showed me the signs I was asking for and now I’m happily married with my husband for 14 years. It was a blissful 14 years of being together and still in love up to now. It was a blessing given from above and I couldn’t ask for more.
Our Own Summer Class
Helpful Healthy Facts
Health Facts For You has been a great help in giving helpful information on rheumatoid arthritis. I learned about the importance of having healthy joints and the possible remedies to reduce the pain and possibly repair it. Now I’m looking forward to seeing my Mom improve her mobility so we can bring her anywhere with us whenever we want to have picnic, travel or shopping at the mall. We’d love to have her around with us always.
Advance Classes
Missing Them
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Comfortable Office Furniture
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Power Rates are Soaring Up
Summer brings a huge increase in power rate and every body was surprised at the current electric bill issued by the power supplier. Every household I know had an increase that affects their budget for electricity. It was a surprise rate increase for everyone and we still have one more billing period before the rainy season. I just wonder if we need some energy auditing now that sudden increases seem to knock everyone down.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Good Start for Ruth
The summer class is a refresher course and also an advance course in both subjects. The guidance counselor of the school told the English teacher to concentrate on improving Ruth’s speech. I want Ruth to be confident on speaking before she entered high school. Anyway she’s a consistent pilot class student but she’s on a different school now and I know there are lots of challenges she’s going to face.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Healthy and Fit
Saturday, May 8, 2010
More Accurate Cashiering
For All Mommies Out There
Parents should be able to give quality time to their kids because they need you now, they will only be kids now not forever. Time flies fast and before you know it they're grown ups already and their world will not only surround on you so spend more time with them now!
As a parent you must teach them the value of respect, trust and honesty and how they will affect family relationship if all of these things will be gone. You should also show them good values and faith in God and let them live a life centered in God because if God is the center of every family everything will be in order.
Planning to Buy My Dream Lappy
Best Videos for Your Business
Friday, May 7, 2010
:Looking at the Sky on Friday #75
Happy sky watching! To visit more beautiful sky photos just click on the badge above!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Getting Some Debt Relief
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Top Droppers for April
I would like to thank my visitors for always dropping,stopping to read my posts and comment. I'd like to send my warmest appreciation and hope to see you all again here!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Stylish Chef Apparel
Remember that chef apparel plays an important part on what your clients may think of your restaurant. With exciting and stylish uniforms you can get the attention of younger generation or with traditional and classic style you’re more likely to attract the elegant and elderly clients. It’s a kind of definition for your restaurant when you choose the quality and style of your employees’ shirts, hats and chef pants. I noticed that they really look into the details of bringing the best uniforms for chefs as they come up with elegant black aprons that will blend well when you need to cater for elegant evening affair, it will give the affair a complete look. We all know that it’s not only food that makes restaurant business flourish but of customer service as well. Good food and good service mix well and you can add your good looking chefs on this.