Veterans Need to Be Treated With Some More Dignity:
To be a part of the military, protecting your country, is a matter of patriotism and love of your country. At the same time, it is also a form of self-sacrifice and this is barely recognized. We honor our veterans for the bravery with which they fight, but we do not acknowledge just how much they are doing for us. If we did, they would be leading a more fulfilled life. If we were really grateful to them for their sacrifices, they wouldn’t be forgotten today. Not many people know that veterans comprise one third of the total homeless population in the U.S.
The veterans face huge financial woes when returning to the civilian world. The government grants them a pension of about $12,000 for singles and $30,000 for couples, but is that really enough? With this small amount of money, soldiers are expected to pay for all their expenses, from housing to medication, groceries, and even debts. They barely even have a chance to make up by earning some money because they lack the job skills that are necessary to survive here in the civilian world.
The most egregious incidents happen when veterans face financial emergencies. With bad money management and insufficient savings, they resort to temporary solutions like going for payday loans since they are easily approved. However, the problem arises when they have to pay these loans back. With a pension barely enough to meet daily expenses these veterans land in debt. They end up borrowing more money without any prospects of ever paying it back.
But this is not all that veterans have to deal with. Mental illness is a common consequence on serving abroad. After serving in the military forces for years, veterans become accustomed to a particular lifestyle and changing that to an altogether new one in this civilian world only leaves them in shock and mental agitation. To top it all, they have their own set of unique relationship issues to deal with. Because of all these challenges, many veterans exhibit signs of depression and self-destruction.
Veterans need aid and support to help them get through such difficult times. They need special programs designed to help them organize their finances and find ways to get out of debt. It is it’s high time for something to be done.
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