Causes of Mesothelioma Cancer
Man has really gone so far in terms of innovations and modern technology. Intelligence of many has made a lot of convenience and comfort to our daily living with inventions on household gadgets and appliances that with just one touch of our finger we can do a lot of our job quick and easy. The same intelligence discovered miracle mineral asbestos which was found to have many uses and was regarded as a miracle mineral because of its good properties. Asbestos can be used in various ways in different fields such as industrial, residential, commercial and many other wonderful usage. From what I’ve remembered when I was a child it was commonly used in tropical country like us in house and building ceilings to resist heat. Wonderful isn’t it?
But sometimes intelligence and wonders are not appropriate because some great discoveries of human bounce back to us as harmful and toxic to our health. Asbestos was later found to be a hazard element and can cause lung diseases and Mesothelioma cancer to those that worked in industries where asbestos was used. Exposure of human to this element can lead them to that kind of disease. I’m glad that nowadays usage of asbestos was prohibited and banned.