Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No Semestral Break

My husband’s university has transferred to their new campus which was built a year ago and due to some delay in classes due to transfer he told me that they will never have a break between semesters. After they’ve finished with their finals in October they will enroll as soon as their grades are finished and available. Now I’m thinking that enrollment would be shortened also and lines would be so long. I wonder if they have retractable belt stanchion to control the crowd in long lines especially in paying tuition fees. I’ve experienced it in my college days but ours was a controlled line always because security has made an ordered schedule for every courses.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings: Week#500

  1. Call ::
  2. label, name, identify
  3. Instinct ::
  4. intuition, sense, nature
  5. Toffee ::
  6. candy, chocolate, sweetie
  7. Cleaner ::
  8. soap, brush, broom
  9. Gut ::
  10. char, raze, burn down
  11. Leveled ::
  12. Staged, planed, pointed
  13. Discover ::
  14. Discern, find out, realize
  15. Together ::
  16. As one, jointly, mutually
  17. Attack ::
  18. Assault, molest, assail
  19. String ::
  20. cord, thread, rope
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Choosing the Perfect Flooring and Tiles

Many would agree to me that flooring makes a nice impression on the interiors of the house. It can make the whole house beautiful depending on the tiles or carpet that you choose to install. It should be in harmony with the walls and furniture to blend well. According to my brother it should be of high quality so installation would be worth the effort. In his construction business he knows how to choose the perfect tiles for his residential, commercial and building structures which has different requirements.

In his own house he preferred a different kind from the normal designs because he wants his house to be a representation of his talent in designing and interior decoration. He wants his clients to see his house and realize that he can handle the construction and design well gauging from his house. Well seeing ceramica sintesi imported from Italy I should be recommending it to him especially now that he’s into floor renovation. 

It’s the perfect tile for his requirement as they have the reputation for quality products and services. As they’re the direct importers of marble, granite, ceramic, porcelain and other kinds of tiles they’re very competitive in pricing and they don’t have middle man so it’s perfect for commercial builders. My brother would appreciate the price as he also takes great consideration of cost because it would be appreciated by his clients if the price is competitive and affordable.


Saturday Classes

Because of the long holidays and vacations due to flood students are now attending classes on Saturdays to make up for the days that they should be studying their lessons. It affected the scheduled lessons of most schools and the only way to cope up is to have additional school days. My kids has told me last week that they will be having Saturday classes for one month and that ended up my day off for waking up so early at dawn. Anyway I know that it would benefit them a lot and they would be able to learn the lessons that they should have tackled in their forced vacation days.


Effective Healthy Diet

After I’ve seen myself in full mirror the other day I realized that the last three months gave me back the pounds that I lost early this year. My office friends and I have been talking about it because few months back I strived hard to lose some pounds through strict diet of vegetables and fruit, workout and discipline on eating habits. Then I lost 2 kilos which confirmed that my plan was effective but when I got back to my old eating habits, stopped the workout and started sleeping late again I gained more than I lost. I’m not that crazy over getting so thin but I don’t want to be tagged as overweight again on my next annual check up. 

 I have perfect check up on blood pressure, ECG, xray, blood test and all tests done on me except that I’m overweight. It’s the only thing that’s not normal on me so I really want to shed some pounds not for vanity but for health reasons. Now I’m trying to get back to my healthy diet but it seems that progress is so slow that it feels like it’s not going to work again. I’m thinking now of taking green tea or resort to taking pure fruit juices but I don’t have time for these things as preparation for juicing will take some time. Seeing this african mango diet gave me some thoughts as to its contents and effects. 

Of course the temptation of slimming down fast is so desirable but I need to consult my doctor before plunging into a different diet that I used to. Well I learned that this fruit fiber diet melts down stubborn fat and sweeps cholesterol out of the body. With this great discovery one must be aware that if you want the real effects you must be careful in choosing the brands that you take. Then it should be coupled with Vitamin B for energy and a multivitamin to boost metabolism that will help in healthy weight-loss. I really should decide now what I will do to lose excess pounds before I gain more pounds in a couple of weeks.


Learning the Old School

Josh is playing now and enjoying his weekend after their first quarterly exams. We told him that he can play all day, a gift for his endeavors in diligent studying. Even if we have many PCs at home we never let our kids play non-stop at online games. We believe in real board games, ball games and other educational games so we limit their online time for them to be more creative. Often this modern generation of kids rely mostly on online games and networks to consume most of their time when they’re not in school. 

Parents should be aware that it will deprive them of being creative and they would not know the benefits of reading in their daily study life. Even if almost everything is there in Google and in some other online sites it’s also good to teach them how to research in real books and away from computer most of the time. It would help them a lot if they know how to study and learn the way old school did.


Office-in-One Equipment

We were expanding our marketing to reach various corporate clients who needs customized solutions to their telecommunications requirements. At first we will call them to ask how they do their calls, what’s their phone answering services and the volume of their mobile to mobile calls. We offer services to connect PABX to a gateway or connect analog and digital phones to an office-in-one equipment that covers all office requirements. We have a lot of what the usual office requires and more of the usual services because we offer one equipment to handle what multiple machines can handle. As of now our market is not that big as we’re only starting up and some companies still don’t have much idea of how much they’re getting out of our equipment. I know that in few years’ time we’ll have better and bigger clients.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Gift Wrapping

Wrapping Gift Bags with Style - Retail Packaging


On Learning Piano

My kids love music and I’m not surprised as my Mom’s parents were into playing instruments when they were still living. My brother’s kids have a penchant also for playing piano and he sent them to piano school to further enhance their skills. I’m glad that my kids have the same interest in the music world. Now my daughter has played twice in the church and she was offered free tutorial so she can learn as many songs as she wants. She’s also curious about many things pertaining to musical instruments like turntable cartridge and other instrument’s name that’s not so familiar with her. For her learning all of these things pertaining to music are such a privilege and she will study more so she’ll be able to play in the church in the next couple of months depending on her response to training.


Learning TLE

DH is very busy with his new Secondary Education course and I’m really surprised with the bulk of projects and assignments he’s been doing now. With the new curriculum the government is implementing in secondary or high school education there should really be an improvement and enhancement with the way an education student should be taught in the university he has enrolled with. 

As Technology and Livelihood Education is his major subject he has good time in learning every facet of TLE studies which includes subjects like Electronics, Carpentry, Food and other subjects that deemed perfect for TLE subjects.


Gifts for Sister

I’ve been thinking about my gift for my little sister which is a little late now but I just want to be sure that my gift would be just what she needs. She’s my only sister and every birthday that she has I always want to give the best I could afford. She’s not that choosy but I’m thinking of a nice gift that she didn’t have for now like this pretty carrera tag heuer I found online or other things that she’s fond of. I’m dropping by tomorrow to shopping square that we love buying our clothes and shoes from. I remember her spotting the black cardigan she will use when we go to Baguio so probably I’ll buy one of those and add some nice accessories too. When you really think of gift ideas to your loved ones your mind will fly to various kinds of possibilities and it’s worth all the effort and cost.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings: Week#499

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Course ::
  2. path, route, track
  3. Delusion ::
  4. hallucination, illusion, fantasy
  5. Silly ::
  6. stupid, ridiculous, inane
  7. Intrepid ::
  8. brave, valiant, gallant
  9. Candle ::
  10. fire, light, guide
  11. Entrance ::
  12. entry, foyer, access
  13. Voracious ::
  14. insatiable, ravenous, greedy
  15. Taste ::
  16. tang, savor, flavor
  17. Bobble ::
  18. nod, dip, jog
  19. Horror ::
  20. terror, shock, disgust


Different Flooring Design on the Attic

After careful study my brother started another renovation on his house. He was readying for the rainy season and raised his flooring with additional two feet. It was a big decision because his tile flooring is still beautiful and of high quality but he was doing it to protect their house from floods. He didn’t want another occurrence of such kind again and after the sun showed in full shining glory the renovation started. Since he’s an Engineer it’s easy for him to schedule home improvement as he has a steady group of workers who can do the project immediately. 

When I asked him about the floor repairs he told me that they’re already in the finishing stage and actually looking for high quality stylish tiles to match the walls of his house. His house is a good pattern model for any client that will visit him. He has personally designed it himself and takes pride in looking into interior design as well. When he built the attic he preferred hardwood stairs and flooring for a change because the attic is his office and recreation area. It’s a complete turnaround from his ground and second floor because he really aimed at the quality and durability of hardwood flooring. He thought that it would more elegant and natural. It also gives an accent to his office furniture leaving a rich and charming look. 

When you also want a look that’s different from the emerging modern innovative look you can look back at the old times and use hardwood flooring from Guhde Flooring America where you can choose from wide assortment of elegant hardwood floors that will surely enhance any room that you choose to install. It can also fit your specific requirements as they’re customizable. It can refinish to fit it your desired finished product or to enhance makeovers. With these products you will be satisfied with the looks and can vouch for quality and durability as well.


Choosing the Right Flooring for Your Home

The interior beauty of your home depends on how you choose your accessories, paints, decors, furniture and your flooring. In the past we had a hard time giving our house a definition because we only installed a simple flooring which at the occurrence of flood give up easily. The quality of the floor can be tested through time and season. When the elements of water, fire, dust and other factors entered your home some changes can occur including the slowly fading and breakage of your flooring. 

Several months back we invested on a good vinyl flooring to finally add a cool ambience in the house. We’ve chosen a cool green color for our flooring and decided on a good vinyl tile brand so it would last for a longer period of time. I can say that it’s worth all the effort and money that we have spent on the floor renovation. My brother accompanied us to his favorite supplier of tiles and helped us look for the best that we can afford. 

Well if you’re also planning to change the aura of your home you can visit Flooring America at for a complete line of flooring for your house. They offer largest selection for whatever you want, may it be carpet, hardwood ,ceramic tile, vinyl flooring, laminate, karastan carpet and rugs. With their varied line of products you can decide if you want a carpet for luxury and comfort feeling or the hardwood floor for natural beauty and warmth or any of the flooring you want. All their products are professionally installed and guaranteed so you’ll feel safe that you’ll be getting the right product with the right services.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Best Flooring for Your Home

In improving your house both exteriors and interiors are to be considered to get the best results. I’ve learned it from my brother whose business is in residential and building construction. When he builds a house he makes sure that all are perfectly designed inside and out so there will be balance and harmony in the house. Landscaping is also an added feature and will be a good frontage to a nice home. But the main part that needs preferential attention and most designs are that of the house interiors because it composes greater percentage of where we stay most of our time. 

I’ve seen plenty of beautiful houses when I worked at one of the nice villages in metropolis and I noticed how they put special preference in the interior design of their houses. To start a warm ambience to the house they go for floor carpeting which makes up a good part of how the house look. Well it really is a good option when you want your house to look more comfortable, softer and convenient to live in. You can Click for Carpet  here to see variety of choices for the best flooring for your home. Just remember to keep it cleaned and vacuum at a regular pace and it will be a good investment throughout the years.


Nausea as a Symptom of Menopause & How to Reduce It

Once you start suffering from frequent bouts of nausea around the ages of 40 to 50, you may be experiencing symptoms of menopause. Along with a variety of other irritating side effects, such as insomnia, weight gain, depression, fatigue, hair loss, and weak muscles, menopause can also cause nausea.

It is actually a more common symptom among menopausal women, and women who are in the prior stage to menopause, called perimenopause. This stage affects every woman differently, and can lead to such numerous symptoms. Severity of each symptom, including nausea and the feeling of being sick, can range from mild to intense. Sometimes this sick feeling can lead to vomiting. Many times hot flashes also follow a wave of intense nausea.

Feeling nauseated during menopause and perimenopause can stem from many different things, including diet. For most women, this sick sensation is an indirect response to the natural part of the aging process, and menopause itself. However, feeling nauseated may and can occur in credit to estrogen loss. Many times these symptoms are not consistent or constant, in that they usually come and go. Typically through perimenopause, you can feel as if you're sick through the decline of your hormonal levels as your menstrual cycle slowly wanes.

Because the balance of hormones within your body is important to your overall health, significant drops in these hormones and an imbalance of them can play a role in such conditions as feeling sick. Bio-chemical changes can easily result in anything from gas problems, to bloating, to feeling nauseated. It is not uncommon for most women to feel cramps, night sweats, dizziness, headaches and more when they enter this time in their life.

Progesterone, for example, is a very important hormone in that it flows throughout your body normally, and will work to keep the sugars and electrolytes in your body balanced. But, unfortunately, a steep incline or drop that occurs with this hormone during perimenopause and menopause, can easily make you feel uncomfortable, resulting in the feeling as if you're sick.

Here are a two things to keep in mind:

Drink: Drink plenty of fluids. Waters and fruit juices can work wonders for an upset stomach, while being dehydrated on the other hand, can easily make you feel sick. Remember, drinking waters and juices is also an effective way of replenishing those electrolytes.

Diet: Diet always plays a key role in keeping yourself healthy. During menopause, your digestive tract, for one, can easily be affected, thus foods that used to never upset you before, may now cause you to be very uncomfortable. Eating lots of a fiber can help out with this. Also, to prevent any sick feelings, make sure to include many fruits and vegetables, as well as complex carbohydrates and lean protein in your diet. You can also consider a menopause supplement that includes the vitamins a menopausal woman needs.

Most researchers and doctors will suggest a healthy diet to patients who may complain about stomach problems during the menopause stages. To help manage your diet successfully, here are a few tips to follow:

  • Eat soy in order to get more estrogen.
  • Eat fruits that are naturally high in phyoestrogens, such as pomegranate.
  • Get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids through foods like fish and olive oil.
  • Avoid foods that could otherwise upset your stomach, such as greasy or sugary foods.
  • Avoid stimulants like tobacco and alcohol.
  • Try eating 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals.
  • Try natural alternatives such as herbs (black cohosh, ginger, licorice root and evening primrose oil are all herbs that can work wonders on an upset stomach)
  • Try teas, like peppermint tea in order to help soothe a trouble stomach

Menopause can be hard, but it's most certainly not the end of the world. Just stay positive, get educated, and maintain your health. Putting in all your effort to do just that will help you to fight against certain menopausal symptoms, such as nausea.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings: Week#498

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. View ::
  2. sight, vision, outlook
  3. Yoga ::
  4. meditation, exercise, contemplation
  5. Giggle ::
  6. chuckle, snigger, silent laugh
  7. Raider ::
  8. invader, attacker, thief
  9. Summer ::
  10. hot season, getaway, vacation
  11. Debt ::
  12. arrears, liability, loan
  13. Cleaning ::
  14. clean-up, clean-out, concentrated effort
  15. Sneakers ::
  16. shoes, canvass, casual shoes
  17. Thwarted ::
  18. disenchanted, disillusion, dissatisfied
  19. Recipes ::
  20. formula, methods, techniques
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Stylish Hardwood Flooring

I’ve always wanted a homey atmosphere in every place I visit that’s why I loved it when I saw a grill restaurant with a nature theme on their place. They’ve got some nipa hut style roofs, comfortable rustic furniture and lovely hardwood flooring. Actually it’s the floor that did the most catching effect in the theme because it looks like the flooring of some century-old Spanish houses in the past. Our home had a Spanish-like design in the past generation before my Dad renovated it to a modern style home when we were kids. 

We used to play on our old wooden floors that don’t seem to move even if we put heavy furniture on top of them. I should say that most houses those days look like they’re going to last a lifetime because of the kind of wood they use on walls and floors. Now with the emergence of modern furniture and beautiful floor tiles it’s a respite to see beautiful wooden floors again. You can search, browse and pay for it online also. 

To learn more about available products  on unique and stylish hardwood flooring you can always visit Emerson Carpet One Floor and Home and choose the right flooring for your home. They carry name-brand hardwood flooring that can fit any style of home. They can always find the right style, make and color shades for your kind of home. You can get that sophisticated look without hurting your budget. They’ve got great deals and coupons and warranty their products for 50 years.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings: Week#497

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Rude ::
  2. uncouth, vulgar, offensive
  3. Leather ::
  4. skin, felt, fur
  5. Headquarters ::
  6. head office, command center, control center
  7. Good guys ::
  8. nice guys, kind guys, fine guys
  9. Blowing ::
  10. driving, raging, puffing
  11. Doddering ::
  12. doting, loving, adoring
  13. Instructional ::
  14. training, lessons, teaching
  15. Standards ::
  16. principles, guidelines, doctrines
  17. Eatery ::
  18. restaurant, food court, canteen
  19. Vampire ::
  20. Dracula, leech, mosquito
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Good Options for Your House

When you have your house being constructed there are several things that you need to be aware of regarding the design and style you specifically want. My engineer brother knows this that’s why before starting the project he always ask the owner about specifications and preferences on the exterior and interior parts of the house. Then he suggests known brands so his client will have both quality and good price. This is a common scenario with my brother because most often his clients will let him pick for them especially when it comes to finishing works where he would choose paints, fixtures, lighting, flooring, tiles and a lot more. 

Choosing accessories for your home need not be hard just as long as you know where to get it. If you need the look of real hardwood and tile which is quite expensive at times you’ll need to see laminate flooring options from Brewer Carpet One Floor & Home in Enid. They offer wide array of laminated flooring in various styles and design in high quality and durability. This kind of flooring is highly recommended as it does not fade, free from scratches and dents and the price is not high. Best of all it can add a warm ambiance on your home and create a homey atmosphere.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today I Will Be Master of My Emotions

Today I will be master of my emotions.
The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer
comes.. Summer wanes and the cold increases.
The sun rises; the sun sets ...
All nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of nature and so,
like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.
It is one of nature's tricks, little understood, that each day I
awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday.
Yesterday's joy will become tomorrow's sadness; yet today's
sadness will grow into tomorrow's joy.
Inside me is a wheel, turning from sadness to joy,
from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy....
Today I will be master of my emotions.

Just sharing here some one of my reads from OG MANDINO. We can all be master of our emotions if we choose it to be but if we just let our emotions control our lives we're not sure if we're heading to the right direction. Emotions can lead us to wrong decisions sometimes so we must control and master it.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Tangible Investment

In this time of crisis we should manage our finances wisely in order to cope with the pressing problem of living up to your necessities. Sometimes having a regular job is not enough because it’s just meant to spend on our basic priorities so when you want to buy something that you want aside from food, clothing and medicine you feel guilty that you’re not a wise spender. It’s best that we save some of our money and invest on something that will earn good profit someday. Investment can be on real estate, a small business, jewelry or even precious valuable coins. 

Precious metals are known to appreciate values over the years and they’re a tangible investment that you can count on after several years. You can look for silver bars and make it a good investment of your hard earned money. The experts guarantee a high return of capital in precious metals especially silver and gold. It can withstand value even on inflation, war and economic crisis. You’ll soon enjoy the profit from these precious metals over the years.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Waiting for School Announcements

Bad weather again and it’s going on for the last days or more I think.  DH and I can’t sleep because we’re worried about floods, spilling dams and never ending rains. Memories of  Undoy kept on flashing through our minds. We’re also waiting for class suspensions.  It’s often that classes were suspended when the girls and boys are already in school which is kinda hard on kids who were supposed to be resting and sleeping more than going to school just to hear the school’s announcement.  Anyway I’ll ask my daughter to call his classmate who lives near the school. Her classmate would know quickly if they have classes or not because she will just walk a few meters to ask the guard.  Also if there aren’t any floods in the area there will be classes for sure.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Relaxing Weekend with Family

It’s weekend again and we really looks forward to a day that we’re all together in the house free from school assignments and from work. This is the day when kids are allowed to use the computer and play games which they can’t do on school weekdays. It’s also the time that we watch movies on cable television together leisurely enjoying the whole day of school and work vacation. It would much fun if I should get one or two of those kids bean bags I saw online where my kids would be place anywhere in our living room. I just love those new styles I searched with cars and sports design all over the bean bags. I myself could relax in one of those seats and probably enjoy watching television shows more.


God-Dependent Life

This rumor about impending earthquake caused some panic on some individuals but we shouldn't be like that as panic won't give us assurance or uplift our spirits instead we should pray to God to take care and protect us in His bosom. At times like these we can't depend on other people or things that we have to assure us of our safety. It's only God that can save us from harm.

In our present lives we came to depend on things that made us successful in our career and life. We depend on money and power to reach our dreams. Some depend on their friends and family to support them at all times. And most of us depend on their talent, skills and intelligence to give them the life and popularity they want. But all these things are only superficial and can perish anytime. We should have a life that’s God-dependent at all times. In all aspects of our lives we should center our decisions and priorities on God, depending on Him always on our priorities and objectives in life. A person’s life is wasted and needs to be rehabilitated if he’s drug-dependent but his life is saved if he’s God-dependent.


Friday, August 3, 2012

My Son’s Costume in School Program

I attended the school activities in my little boy’s school and asked my office that I would take a leave so I can assist my son. He’s one of the participants in the program, one of the representatives in grade 3 level. They’re dressed in white shorts and green shirt representing the color of vegetables and with a hat decorated with different kinds of fruits. At the front of their shirt they were instructed to have picture of foods pinned to represent nutrition month. We were looking for a way to have it pinned securely because Josh is so active that I feared it might fall down. 

Well the thought of having lapel pins entered my mind but DH has already pinned the picture with a safety pin. Some has put tape around the picture but as minutes pass by the pictures are hanging with loose tapes. It’s a good decision to use pins whether it’s a safety pin, lapel or any other pin because it secures the picture to the shirt. The program went well and I should say I enjoyed the presentation of young boys and girls. It also brought back memories of my two young teens when they were still in grade school.


Unconscious Mutterings: Week#496

I say ... and you think ... ?
    1. Alcohol ::
    2. etyl, isopropyl, methyl
    3. Pocket ::
    4. pouch, compartment, bag
    5. Squeeze::
    6. press, pinch, grip
    7. Football ::
    8. rugby, soccer, ball game
    9. Fourth ::
    10. quarter, number, position
    11. Snake ::
    12. serpent, anaconda, python
    13. Reduced ::
    14. condensed, summarized, compact
    15. Polka ::
    16. dots, dance, music
    17. Intrepid ::
    18. gallant, valiant, brave
    19. Paula ::
    20. name, computer chip, apple name



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quality Fireplace Mantels, Screens and More

When we had a vacation in the coldest region in the country I suddenly wished we have a fireplace in my friend’s house. Our family friend volunteered her vacation house to our church and we stayed there for 4 days. We visited the place at the time that the weather there is very cool leading us to dress in layers of warm clothes to protect us from freezing. Some of us can resist the cold but I couldn’t and felt glad that I brought the right clothes with me to bring warmth to my whole being. I really wished there’s a fireplace there that I can start with a fire to warm us all there. It was our first time to have a vocation and fellowship there and we’re not used to the extent of cold weather.

When we visited few historical places in that place I observed that the first settlers have an allocation for fireplace corner in their house designs. It kept me thinking that if ever I would recommend or suggest where we could get a nice fireplace maybe I can mention, a premier online provider of various kinds of quality fireplaces, screens, wooden fireplace mantels, tools and accessories. They offer a full line of custom made mantels personalized to client’s specific requirements.  They also provide top sellers and special sale items that you will find very affordable to your budget.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Busy with Quarterly Exams

My teen girls are so busy now with reviews for their first quarter exams and they have different time schedule which lasts for two to three hours only. The schedule is meant to give them enough time to prepare for the next day’s exams so after they’ve taken current day exams they will go home immediately and run through the next day’s test. Just now I’ve checked if they’re all at home since I’ll be going to our midweek bible study direct from office. I also told them to text me anything they need for tomorrow so I can drop at the nearest store to buy. My girls can take of their assignments and things needed in school but we’re actually monitoring our little boy because he’s not big enough to prepare all his school requirements.


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