Plenty of Time to Learn
My brother was so busy with the repainting of their home and he had it finished last week before the 18th birthday of her daughter. He had it all repainted not because they will have it as venue for the debut but just for having an improvement on their house. The painting made a lot of difference on their home exteriors as it gives a fresher and sunny look compared to the former grey color.
Well even if he’s busy he has time to check and bring their portable piano to our house for Ruth’s school activity.
Ruth can play piano too even if she didn’t finished her summer music schooling due to chicken pox. She has already attended her piano lessons for two weeks before she got sick so she just continued it by self -studying. She’s also trying some pieces on the guitar and maybe after some time she’ll also be as competitive as Gen who is now eyeing an electric guitar just like Conklin Bass she saw online. I promised them that in time we will be able to afford it but for now they will have to use their acoustic. Anyway they’re still young and they will still have plenty of time to learn everything.