God Changed My Life
I was reminiscing about 17 years ago when my soul is searching for a kind of spiritual fulfillment, at that time I can’t fully understand what I’m seeking for. I don’t want to attend the regular mass anymore because I can’t seem to feel a personal closeness to God during those ceremonies. I started to frequent adoration chapel instead of going to regular mass and there I found peace and felt closer to Him. But it doesn’t end there because I seek more. Then one relaxing morning while I was having breakfast with my brother we had some sharing on God’s word and it has become a habit for us every morning, I was on an afternoon shift then so I guess it fits us well.
That word sharing extended to an invitation to attend their church fellowship and that first Sunday that I attended the fellowship service marked my birth renewal spiritually. I finally found what my soul is seeking for, my spirit was renewed and whole being was changed day by day through God’s help. Being a born-again Christian is not a bed of roses as you’ll have persecution on the way from your friends, relatives and sometimes from your loved ones. I was lucky to have a family that understands me and we all became born-again Christian.
The road led me to a simple life that centers on God’s word depending not on man’s reasoning but on His wisdom. Simplicity deprived us of the things that we grew up on like extravagance, vices, spending on traditional habits like fiesta and some other things that we don’t actually need in our life. I had a change of wardrobe and physical looks, change of lifestyle, change of priorities and a completely changed perspective in life. There are a lot of criticisms but the glory of living my life with Jesus paid it all.