Monday, June 21, 2010

:BM/MYM/RT: Princess' First Birthday


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This is a late post due to a busy schedule. Our baby here Princess Kriselle turned one last May 28 and she's already walking around a month before her birthday. Princess is growing up so pretty and I can't help remembering how she resembles her mother Giselle (my niece and goddaughter to my first cousin) when she was a little girl. Giselle was one of my flower girls when I got married and she's as pretty as her daughter.

Anyway we celebrated Princess' birthday happily with plenty of food prepared by her ninongs and ninangs (godparents). We had pasta, crema de fruta, 2 birthday cakes, buco-pandan salad and many more. I gave her a pretty standing doll and I'm glad that she liked it at once though her Mom kept it until she can really play it.


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