Friday, August 10, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings: Week#497

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Rude ::
  2. uncouth, vulgar, offensive
  3. Leather ::
  4. skin, felt, fur
  5. Headquarters ::
  6. head office, command center, control center
  7. Good guys ::
  8. nice guys, kind guys, fine guys
  9. Blowing ::
  10. driving, raging, puffing
  11. Doddering ::
  12. doting, loving, adoring
  13. Instructional ::
  14. training, lessons, teaching
  15. Standards ::
  16. principles, guidelines, doctrines
  17. Eatery ::
  18. restaurant, food court, canteen
  19. Vampire ::
  20. Dracula, leech, mosquito
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