Friday, November 27, 2009
Skin Care Products as Holiday Gifts
Still I love my present situation now working in the comforts of my home where I can earn more than my previous salary and attend to my family’s needs at the same time. When I was still working outside my home I sometimes neglect some skin care essentials for myself, I’m just lucky that my skin is not so sensitive that it doesn’t needs too much maintenance except for the basics.
Friday Fill-Ins# 152 we go!
1. Wait! Wait, don't forget to drink your vitamins first.
2. Instructions of teachers followed at once by students.
3. The trouble is when you're not contented with what you have and you always envy your neighbours' things.
4. My friend is waiting for her husband's vacation who works many miles away.
5. With a faint pop she screams at my surprise, she's a nervous young lady.
6. The clouds in the sky looks shadowy and ominous.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending my time with Josh as he's sick and he wants to be by my side all the time, tomorrow my plans include supervising my fence project which will be finished tomorrow and Sunday, I want to relax and just think of our fellowship service!
See more answers at Friday Fill-ins.
Busy With School Assignments
He's Sick!
Every Friday they brought along one toy and their teachers let their chairs form in a circle and they learn and play. Now that they’re in their preparatory level their playtime is limited unlike in their nursery and kinder days. Anyway I told Josh that I will worry for him if he goes to school because he’ll be tired and his fever might worsen. I told him to be just near Mommy and I’ll teach him their lesson. Well of course now that he’s not well enough I will not allow him to do any school work. I’m glad that he’s sleeping soundly now. I’ll rest early from my PC and blogging also.
Zenni’s Holiday Eyeglasses
With the wide selection Zenni has in their $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses there’s no problem in choosing the kind of style perfect for your face. You don’t have to worry also of the price because it’s very affordable. Now with the New Arrivals that I saw online I think I know what I want for myself. I’m going to buy myself a pair of Zenni’s eyeglasses as I’ve picked pretty and stylish eyeglasses when I browsed at their selections. I’m confident that I’ll be getting not only stylish prescription eyeglasses but a quality one also. All these for very affordable price.
What Does Your Favorite Thanksgiving Food Say About You?
You Are Flexible and Easy Going
You're the type of person who can get along with anyone. Like mashed potatoes, you mesh well with stronger personalities.
In fact, you tend to prefer to hang with those who steal the spotlight. You were never looking for the spotlight anyway.
You are appreciative of every thing you have in life, and you don't take much for granted. You enjoy life's small comforts.
You are never picky, and you pride yourself on being low maintenance. You can always make the best of a bad time.