Saturday, September 22, 2012

Grade 3 School Retreat

My little boy was so happy when he returned from their school retreat. Grade 3 pupils had their 4-hour school retreat today and he brought home some prizes. He was so excited when he reached home before lunch time. He told us that their team won two of the retreat games played by them. They’ve won first place in poster making and another on answering questions. He showed me the mechanical pencil and correction paper prizes for them. He actually didn’t mind if there are prizes or none because the games itself made him happy. He told me that he’s very glad he’s well now because if not he’ll never be as happy as he is today.


Flooring Pros

Finding the perfect floor for your home needs careful study as it should be in harmony with the walls, ceiling and the ambiance you want to get from the combination of all. Choosing which kind of flooring like tiles, hardwood, vinyl, carpet or laminate depends on your living style and your budget. The Flooring Pros can help you decide which is right for your needs, your way of living and your financial capabilities. They offer quality flooring at low prices with an assurance of solid warranty. For us who have three kids and always active in our movement inside the house we need a durable and affordable flooring that will give us a warm ambiance and comfortable flooring to live day by day.


Don’t Want to Miss School Activities

LJCS Grade 3 students had their retreat today. I have to get early even when we had few sleep the night before. Josh had severe stomach pain and we thought he’d never make it in their retreat today. We were actually telling him that he’ll never be able to attend the retreat but he firmly told us that it’s not allowable to miss the retreat. I laughed at his serious talk because I find it hard to associate his decision with a 9-year old boy. At the height of his pain he still didn’t want to miss any school activity. Hope he’ll stay the same even when grows up. As early as now I can see a strong personality and high regards in education in my little boy.


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