:Looking at the Sky on Friday #86 - Low Clouds
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Why my title is like that? Because when I go through my file of our time in the resort I noticed that the clouds here are almost down on the land. Of course this is just an illusion because the shots was near the lake just few meters away and the clouds there seems so low, really! I really love the place because I had the chance to have my beautiful sky shots around the place. This shot was among my several shots of the place, the pool and the sky above the villa resort by the lake.
Summer days are perfect days sky watching don't you think? God's wonderful creations are always a beauty to behold! To visit more beautiful sky photos just click on the badge above!
Summer days are perfect days sky watching don't you think? God's wonderful creations are always a beauty to behold! To visit more beautiful sky photos just click on the badge above!