Our Second Dessert and Snack
We’ve finished our dinner and I’m glad it’s fish this time and watermelon for dessert. But wait I’m still not through as they’ve cooked the supposed snack this afternoon and made it our second dessert. From the look of it diet pills would be helpful for some dieters like me as the second dessert happened to be a mixture of saba (banana), camote, langka, etc. cooked in rich coconut milk.
If you’re here you wouldn’t be able to resist it so I limited myself to one cup or else I will not be able to sleep soon as it’s heavy on the stomach. DH had one cup also and I noticed that my kids surprisingly ignored it because they want to hit the sack early. We spent some more time outside where I felt so relaxed and rested. I’m just posting some few tasks here to make me sleepy as others are sleeping now. It’s like province here; environment is very silent except for few cars entering the village.