Found my Buddy in FB
I had a dinner again with my college friends and this time more of them joined in as our meeting place was in Makati where most of them works. We were again back in time especially that my ever loving buddy Betchay finally has found us. We were actually looking for her but she found us out in FB. I really have to thank FB for bridging communications between lost friends. I was so happy that we were reunited again and we talked about our lost years. We have plenty of recaps to do and she told us the story of her life.
She has survived many ordeals and now she has learned many things about life like saving up finances and investing. She’s starting to invest now to secure her finances as she’s financing the education of her siblings’ 10 kids. I forgot to ask her if she knew about gold coins investment because she might be interested to add it to her existing ones. She’s always interested on any form of business or investments that will guarantee a high return of profit because she’s a good businesswoman and she knows how to deal with it.