Monday, December 20, 2010

Property Law

In the old days people are not that particular with official receipt, notarized sale of lands and official documented transactions. My Mom told me that when she’s only a kid selling of land will sometimes lead to a piece of paper with handwritten notes of the vendee and the vendor stating that the land was sold at a certain amount. In fact my Mom’s only proof of her ownership to hectares of land was a small note from the person her parents bought the land from stating that the land was sold to my Mom’s father. It’s legal and true at that time but few years ago my Mom had the land titled in her name and documented everything. I learned that the process passed through the provincial court and she was given a land title in her name. 

There are problems if you have not titled and divided the land properly to your kids because there will come a time that they will sometimes have difficulty in settling property disputes. I’ve known many families who had dispute over properties that until now nobody want to give in to the suggestions of others on how to separate the land to each family involved. The dispute ran through the grandchildren and I learned they want to consult lawyers about property law and how it will give them proper knowledge on various laws regarding their inherited land. 

There’s a group of professional and experienced solicitors that handles this kind of case involving properties. They can help you with your legal concerns about house, lots and other properties. Settling disputes over properties will never be that hard when you consult the experts. Other cases that you can ask regarding the topic will be about commercial property, commercial leases, landlord and tenant matters, Mortgages and re-mortgages, residential leasing and more.


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