Friday, August 13, 2010

:Looking at the Sky on Friday #89 - Clouds Over Nipa Huts


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This is my shot of the sky in the villa resort where I focused my lens at the nipa huts there rented by vacationists and guests at the resort.  I just find it so pretty with leaves at the top and sides of the picture, makes a perfect background for the picture.  Take note also of the clouds at the 2nd pic!  I'm imagining shapes again with that shot!
It always makes me feel good to see scenic view of the sky.  God's wonderful creations are abundant. To visit more beautiful sky photos just click on the badge above!


Choosing Costumes

As early as now some parents are preparing their smal kids for the trick or treat occasion. I’m wondering why because my little boy usually prepares for that activity before the end of October. We don’t go to the mall to celebrate the activity and we just use his costume for the costume party in his preparatory school. Now that he’s in grade one level I wonder if he’s going to need kids halloween costumes in his new school.

Anyway he has his Robin and Spiderman costumes in his closet but I think he will not use it in school again because he’s using it at home when playing super heroes game. I’ve seen him yesterday looking at Harry Potter’s costume and bookmarked the site together with Ironman costume. Maybe he’s choosing between the two and contemplating when he would ask me.


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