Monday, December 13, 2010

Black Diamonds

My friend showed me the engagement party of her cousin and I saw that it’s very elegant and one will surmise that the couple being engaged are both of middle class status with their ways, their simple and elegant dresses and their grand celebration. I was surprised to see their engagement ring is that of Black Diamond Jewelry which is very chic and classy. It’s my first time to see black diamonds and I can’t keep my eyes off them. I’m just not too comfortable with the color.


No Identification

It’s only few weeks now since my daughter was issued an official ID in their school. I was really surprised with the very late issuance because in the past several years issuance was done 2 months after the opening of classes. The students’ name plates which they used when the school started was their only identification inside the room. Then I learned why this thing happened, it’s about the government’s directives about the no collection of fees on all government schools. The school took so long to decide where they will get funds for the student IDs sacrificing the risk of students’ protection inside the school. Without identification intruders can imitate students’ uniform and enter the school easily. Luckily not a case like that happened in the school and my daughter has only one few months to stay in that school. Next year she’ll join her sister in a Christian school.


Late Night Works

I’ve been spending late nights and early dawn doing my online tasks and yesterday all my bad habits hit me. I had difficulty in breathing and have to rest early because I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed. I have to forget about deadlines because my body refused to stand. I have an online friend who was recently confined in a hospital and it strikes me that probably most of us have been doing our work that hard. We’re spending too much time and even extending our time on late nights and sometimes until dawn. I’m just lucky that I don’t need any rosacea natural treatment because not one single rosacea or pimple has grown in my face. Some of my friends have experiences of having pimples when they have to work at late nights. Well not so lucky because breathing difficulty is worse than pimples.


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