Friday, October 22, 2010

:Looking at The Sky on Friday#99: Montalban Mountain at Dawn

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We spent few days in DH mother's house in Montalban and we went home early in the morning to catch up our Sunday service.  I just can't resist the urge to stop at the bridge and take a  shot  on this  majestic view, it's lovely when I saw it personally.  It's beginning to have some light in the sky despite the time.  It was early June and summer has just ended so daytime is longer than nighttime to explain the slightly clear sky at 5 in the morning.  
I love the pink tinge in the sky and I love how it became a great background for the creations of God - the mountains, the trees and the river. Just perfect!I love sky watching wherever my cam takes me whether it's dark, cloudy, cloudless or  the sky is pale. God's creations are indeed beautiful.  Visit more beautiful sky photos just click on the badge above!


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