Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Little Architect

Josh came home telling me that he has good news for me. I was really expecting some good news but I laughed when he told me that his good news is about the holiday and that there will be no classes today. So that’s good news for my little boy and although I know that he love going to school I can’t help but smile that he considered it good news. I was actually checking some extra lighting fixtures when he told me that and upon hearing his news I let him see the beautiful Maxim lighting I surfed upon. He’s interested on all things about houses and its interiors. He wants to be an Architect one day and he’s always drawing houses and all the things that he wants inside his house.

Well he got it from all of us; I and my siblings were all fond of making house plans when we’re only students. We just got busy when we already have jobs and it’s my big brother who continues his flair for drawing and building houses. He became a Civil Engineer and he put up a construction business to concentrate on it rather than spending his time in public office. He likes it better to practice his profession in actual construction of residential and commercial building. I’m really happy with his decision and his eldest will join in the business after few more years because he’s into Civil Engineering studies now.


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