Friday, March 19, 2010

His Time to Leave

I heard from my friend working in a hospital that one of the frequent killer diseases these days is colon cancer. I was surprised because in the past decades we never thought that it could be one of the diseases that can harm people so much that it can be a severe kind. I’ve read colonix review and some testimonials of people who survived but so far I’m still not sure of its causes and prevention.

I’m just sad that the husband of my cousin died from colon cancer without any single symptom and idea that he has been suffering from this disease. He just complained about his stomach and when they consulted their doctor they learned that he has the cancer already and the stage is severe that it only took no more than a year and he died from it. He doesn’t have a single vice, he has a healthy lifestyle and he has not been subjected to stress or anything. Well I think his sickness serve only as a reason for his final farewell to his family and his time has come to face our Creator.


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