Herbal Tea Instead of Coffee
I started drinking ABS herbal tea today instead of drinking too much coffee as I can feel it’s not doing me good. No I’m not stopping my coffee intake I’m just limiting the number of times I’m taking it to prevent being addicted to it. That’s what we’re always joking about ‘our coffee addiction’. Imagine I’ve been very health conscious and I don’t eat foods that are proven to have bad effects but I’m taking coffee thrice a day? Not good I know so I’m limiting it to one cup a day.
Hope I can continue it as it’s also making me fat because most of the times I put too much sugar and milk to make it so creamy. This is another step of decreasing my risk of heart problems and also on gaining pounds again. I’m happy now that I’m slowly taking control of my weight. Although it’s not really noticeable that I lost little amount of pounds the fact remains that I’m on the losing side and I don’t have to think yet of taking diet pills now as most of my friends did when they gained pounds. I don’t mind taking it also as long as it’s safe for my health.
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