Friday, December 23, 2016

Learning Music and Finding Some Fun

Since Josh has started his Math training in his new school he hasn’t any time to practice his keyboard and sometimes he really misses it. When he was in his former school one of his extracurricular subject is Musical Instrument where they study playing their chosen instrument every Saturday for about 2 hours. The objective of the activities is not just having extra grades on their card but learning how to be good in playing musical instruments as well. This way they can have real fun and educational activities in real life not just online. 

Restoring the old fashion music learning is better than the usual online trends nowadays and it also prevents the kids from being too hooked up in computer games. Well my kid sometimes has some funny questions to me when he was just starting to like playing instruments. He used to ask me about the big instruments with horn like french horn mouthpiece and some other with very big ones he always see in parade. Well I just answer him that varied sizes of horn creates varied sounds in music and handling those instruments is just as hard as playing it. Well it’s just a thought.


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