Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wearing Proper Gear for Safe Riding

Last week on my way to my work I’ve seen some commotion in a main road which stopped every motorcycle that passed by. Police and traffic officers are checking the motorcycle’s registration and driver’s license because of the recent happenings of highway robbery mostly done by motorists. There has been a lot of snatching and illegal activities committed by men riding in motorcycle so the legal officers are installing checkpoints on designated areas to ensure that all motorcycles are registered. 

They also impose penalties when they’re not wearing their helmets. At times the rider’s companions are the ones who don’t have proper protection which is very dangerous especially when travelling in a main road. Actually they should choose quality protection for their heads like Nolan Helmets which ensures long lasting usage and protection for the user. Riders should be aware that motorcycle are not that safe compared to regular vehicles and they should be always on guard when it comes to wearing proper gear when hitting the road.


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