Vitamins and Hair Products
I bought an extra bottle of the kids’ ascorbic acid supplement because sometimes I get too busy to drop by the drug store. It’s not available on other stores so I make it a point to have stocks of it. Coughs and colds are prevalent now in various areas like schools, malls and parks so the kids should have enough protection to prevent them from incurring those diseases. My daughter is now starting to have momentary coughs and I’m making her take double doses of vitamin C.
I’m still searching for the best vitamins for them since the two of them are past the 12-year threshold. Along with my searches I also found some beauty products for the hair and skin. I don’t usually browse those products but when I saw some tips and reviews about hair products I stayed and read some more. It’s always good to know the good and bad reviews of the products that we commonly used for health and informative reasons.
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