Imparting the Value of Education
Education is really important and if you have it you can make your way to whatever you want to achieve. It’s more than a treasure to me, it’s more precious than expensive jewels and it can your weapon in facing life. I’m very thankful that despite my Dad’s disability when our eldest was just entering college my Mom made it possible to continue their dream of sending us all to college. My Dad had a stroke in his early fifties but that didn’t stopped them from giving us the education we need.
We all graduated with degree with my parents’ determination and help from God. I shared our experience to inspire those who don’t have enough money to send their kids to school. Hard work and prayers are two important things that we should remember and everything will follow.
We all graduated with degree with my parents’ determination and help from God. I shared our experience to inspire those who don’t have enough money to send their kids to school. Hard work and prayers are two important things that we should remember and everything will follow.
Now we’re extending the same principles in life that our parents imparted on us and despite the hardship of earning money we’re still looking forward to seeing our kids reached their dreams. I was thinking of having some investment if the need arises because in four years’ time I’ll have my eldest enter college and as early as now I need to save and put money on sure investment. DH and I can buy gold coins anytime we deemed it right to invest. I’m positive that it’s a good investment and can help us in the near future when we’ll need more finances for my kids’ college education
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