Saturday, September 12, 2009

Small Talk Six

Today’s topic is “6 things you think would be yummy if they were covered in chocolate.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .

Chocolate is one big topic that I'll always love, I'm a chocoholic and if there are things that makes me relax in a world of turmoils one of them is chocolate, any brand, any flavor, any color as along as it's choco i love it!

Now for this one I think I have a list of more than 6 but since it's a small talk six here are my six things that I think would be yummy if they were covered in chocolate:

1) Ice Cream

2) Cakes

3) Peanuts

4) Marshmallows

5) Biscuits

6) Raisins

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