Saturday, August 15, 2009

Small Talk Six : Rest and Relax

Rest and Relax....

Six things that you can think that will make you well rested or relaxed.

1. A day on the beach with family

2. Baking and cooking special foods relaxes and excites me because I love doing it. It's also a bonding time for my kids and hubby as they try to learn by helping me.

3. Reading inspirational books including the bible.

4. Traveling in the countryside and stopping by the woods to have lunch relaxes me

5. My hobbies - playing bowling, badminton, scrabble, word factory, chess, text twist, blogging and shopping relaxes me

6. Best of all, attending our church fellowship service and singing to my soul's delight relaxes my body, mind and spirit. God's bosom is the best resting place of all


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