What To Do If You Find a Spider in Your House
If you find a spider in your house, you might be wondering if there’s a better way to react to the situation than to scream in terror and throw anything you can get your hands on in the spider’s general direction. Depending on the situation and your comfort level, there are several steps you should take to get the spider out of your house.
1. Keep Calm
If you encounter a spider in your home, big or small, take a deep breath and try not to panic. Fortunately, most of the spiders you’ll come across are not dangerous and are unlikely to try and bite you.
2. Identify the Spider
Before interacting with the spider, you should try to first check if it is a black widow or brown recluse since these species can potentially bite and harm you. A black widow has a shiny, black body with a distinctive red hourglass marking. A brown recluse has a brown body in a violin shape.
3. Call Pest Control
If you’re too anxious or not sure if you’re dealing with a dangerous species of spider, you can call a spider pest control company to help you right away. It is also a good idea to get in contact with the professionals if you find nests in your home or find a lot of spiders hiding.
4. Catch the Spider
One option for taking a harmless spider outside your home is to catch it and release it outdoors. You can do by covering it with a cup or jar and then sliding a piece of paper underneath. Simply take the container outside and release the spider.
5. Kill the Spider
If killing a spider, you will want to be careful to not aggravate it and cause it to bite you. Use bug spray, pull out your vacuum, or try to exterminate it with one hit.
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