Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Safety of Having Your Own Car

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Hubby and I love going on a road trip especially on school breaks and holidays. This is the reason why we dream of having our own car when we start having kids. It’s hard to hire and commute on public vehicles when you have little kids as they feel uncomfortable changing and switching vehicles from time to time. Hiring a private cab is not a solution because it’s not always safe when you don’t know the driver personally. We encountered professional nice drivers which safely transported us to our destination but we also happened to hire reckless drivers as well.

These experiences gave us a strong drive to save little by little for our car which in the end turned out to be a pre-owned car of the company I’m working at. As it’s a used car already we managed to afford to buy it in installment. During those years shopping online is not yet introduced and before we bought our first car we really had a hard time finding a car which not only fits our requirements but affordable as well. It was really a blessing for us as my boss gave a huge discount on the price of the car.

After some weeks of small repairs and polishing of our first car our kids feels so happy going on our weekend outdoor activities riding on our ‘Nissy’, their fond name for our white Nissan car. With our own Nissy we felt safe on every travel we have enjoying the safe driving of hubby and our time together. I was thinking that if online car sites like are available then maybe we will be able to have our car earlier. The site is a good one for finding just the right car for your family’s safety travel. Parents will no longer worry about the safety of their children when they’re the one driving the whole family to their favorite destinations.


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