Learning Oppotunities
One of the beautiful facts about living is the certainty that learning will follow us to the end of our days. At no point in time will we ever stop learning. This is exciting news because it confirms the evidence that as time passes things change, requiring us to acquire new knowledge as we adapt and grow.
One of the beautiful facts about living is the certainty that learning will follow us to the end of our days. At no point in time will we ever stop learning. This is exciting news because it confirms the evidence that as time passes things change, requiring us to acquire new knowledge as we adapt and grow.
Change Is an Effective Teacher
Change forces us to learn things that we wouldn't otherwise. It's a teacher that requires us to take the time to get familiar with things that we wouldn't on our own, perhaps just to meet a need. We do what is needed to learn a new skill or accomplish a new goal which in turn elevates our life, even though that may not have been the original intent. We may get a new job to increase our earnings and that job may require us to obtain a hazmat certification. Our obligation to feed our family will more than likely motivate us to study and earn that certification.
The Benefit of the Ages
We live in a world filled with people of all ages. This offers an excellent opportunity for learning because each generation has a different story to tell. The old provide the valuable backdrop for both past and present history, while the young give us a unique in the moment look at the world as it is today. Both perspectives are immensely valuable and provide us with a view we would otherwise not be privy to without each other.
Learning is guaranteed for everyone, from the day we are born until the day we die. To live is to learn. We can not fully function without learning. Learning is an integral part of survival. As sure as the sun rises and sets on this earth, change is a constant force that pushes us to learn, adapt, and change as needed. Change is the teacher we often dread but must learn from. The old and the young play a central part in the whole learning process because both possess knowledge that the other doesn't. When the two can come together and exchange experiences from their unique perspectives much is gained. The process of living is a resource for learning, just as we are to each other.
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