Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to Create a Better Office Restroom

Of all the details that business owners usually consider when opening a retail or office space, the restroom is rarely at the forefront. However, what your company's wash room looks and feels like is important. A nice, well stocked restroom can make a good impression on clients and keep your employees comfortable, while we all know what a horror unkempt, unsanitary office restrooms can be. Fortunately, you can create a better wash room in your office or business in just a few steps.
Decor Does Matter
You don't need to hire an interior designer or buy tons of decorative items for your office restroom, but it's a good idea to put some thought into aesthetics. Painting the walls a uniform, neutral color, ensuring the fixtures look good, and hanging a mirror that suits the space are all things you can do that don't require a lot of time or money. If you want to go the extra mile, find a poster or print you like, frame it, and hang it on the wash room wall. Nature scenes are usually a safe bet that will complement just about any restroom's decor.
Use Quality Products
While you can simply place products meant for household use in your restroom, such as hand soaps and sanitizers, it's more efficient to use commercial products. For instance, a household sized soap pump could run out in one or two days, especially if many people come through your establishment on a daily basis or you have many employees. However, commercial soap dispensers hold much more product and you won't have to refill them as often. Seek a trusted supplier for your office's restroom supplies, such as EMPACS, to get soap dispensers, paper towel holders, and hand dryers at an affordable price.
Maintain Your Restroom
Once you've made your business's restroom look nice, develop a schedule to ensure that it remains clean and stocked. Have employees rotate clean up duties, take on the responsibility yourself, or hire a commercial cleaning service to come do a deep clean once a month. If you keep your restroom in good shape, you won't have to worry about its state leaving a bad impression on your customers. By following these tips, you'll be able to easily create a restroom for your business that's inviting and comfortable.


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