Learning The Numbers
Math is an important concept in life, especially if you are a student. There are basic problems to solve in elementary school, and you will work your way to harder problems in Algebra and Geometry later in high school. There are also math classes to take in college. Some assessments can help determine if your child is on the right track in class or if there needs to be additional help given.
Assessments for younger children often involve basic numbers and whether the child recognizes them, can add and subtract them or knows how to write the numbers. Math manipulatives can be taught in a classroom setting to enhance the skills that the child learns. As children get older, the assessments are harder because the material taught is harder to understand. This is when assessments can determine whether the child needs to be moved to an advanced course or stay in a typical math class. If the child moves to an advanced course, then the work is harder, but it will often look better on a college application, especially if the class offers a college credit once completed and passed. Other assessments given at the end of the school year can determine how much of the course is retained.
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