Saturday, October 5, 2013

Getting Sentimental Over Home Things

We’re getting rid of old clothes, bags, toys and appliances in the house paving the way for our impending repairs and renovation. As I go about the things that we used to have when we’re still schooling I can’t help remembering those old times with my friends whom I haven’t seen for years now and I started missing them. I had this thing about old things and this is the reason why I opted to do the inventory until the last minute. 

I’m getting sentimental over things that reminds me of my father and old times with him when he still lives. When I look upon his class rings high school I thought about how he managed to buy it even when he’s just a working student then. Well I know that he’s not only intelligent and skilled but knows how to handle money as well so he was able to save some money for it. He also had a college ring when he graduated from his law degree.


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