Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Unconscious Mutterings #495

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Missing ::
  2. absent, gone astray, lost
  3. Crowded ::
  4. crammed full, jam-packed, swarming
  5. Questions ::
  6. inquiries, investigations, queries
  7. Flavored ::
  8. taste, zest, savor
  9. Need you ::
  10. want you, require you, necessitate you
  11. Control ::
  12. direct, manage, organize
  13. Restaurant ::
  14. bistro, café, eatery
  15. Scattered ::
  16. dispersed, distributed, spread out
  17. Family ::
  18. children, relatives, siblings
  19. Regrets ::
  20. misgivings, doubts, qualms 
    Guess I've shared some unconscious thoughts here, feel free to do it on your own, visit LunaNiña.com


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