My Girls’ Preferences
Since it’s holiday today and a long weekend also we had some time to arrange and make some inventory of our clothes and linens. My girls are growing up so fast and it seems like their cabinets are getting smaller for their things. We really have to let go of some things to accommodate more of my new purchases for them. When I search for towels for our beach outing plans I realized that we need to buy some for the teenage girls and they asked me for the softest ones.
My girls have their preference now unlike when they were only kids. When they were just small kids they just leave all things to me like their clothes, linens and other personal things. Now they want to choose their own things even their hankies and towels. I’m glad that I found quality and competitive priced Egyptian cotton towels from The White Company which is incredibly soft and so absorbent. My daughters will be happy to see these towels which are not only comfortable and soft to touch but stylish as well.
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