Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting Healthier!

I dropped by big brother house to inquire about his two sons’ graduation and some activities. Mom wanted to know about his eldest son Raphael’s entrance exam in Mapua and stories on their travel to provinces. My sis and I are living in one house so she always want to be updated with big brother’s family whereabouts because he’s a little far from where we live, well not really far – just 10 minutes walk actually! Being only three siblings we want to know everything about each other and we grew up like that.

Anyway I’m glad I dropped because I learned about something good for the body. Big bro and SIL is into colon cleansing and natural means of getting off unwanted pounds and I saw the fast results in my brother’s stomach. He looks very healthy too. What’s good about it are the natural and safe ingredients. Will tell it when I tried it myself.


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