Almost Missed My Dues!
Had fun yesterday night when I fetched my kids in school because they stayed late to watch the coronation of Mr. & Ms. San Juan 2010. I dropped by their school before 7 in the evening hoping we’ll go home before 8pm but the contest went on and on until 9 in the evening. I was a little jittery then inside because I left my tasks unfinished and I have to submit them all at 12 midnight. I was having some calculations on how much I will make my tasks easier and faster when I was totally caught by the excitement of the contests.
Glad I’ve brought my cam and instead of being a little nervous that I might miss my dues I just click and click on the cam to have some shots of the cute participants. It was way past 9pm when we arrived home and I was able to start my work 2 hours before due time. I was relieved that I had my 5 tasks finished and how words and thoughts just came so easily to me. I’m so thankful for the task blessings, I really need funds for enrollment.
Glad I’ve brought my cam and instead of being a little nervous that I might miss my dues I just click and click on the cam to have some shots of the cute participants. It was way past 9pm when we arrived home and I was able to start my work 2 hours before due time. I was relieved that I had my 5 tasks finished and how words and thoughts just came so easily to me. I’m so thankful for the task blessings, I really need funds for enrollment.
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